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    I have made a study with 50 students from my school. Here are the results:


   At first question:" Do you know what is the hippie movement?". 12 answered "yes" , 6 " i don't know" and 32 " I have heard about it but i don't know exactly what it is".



     At second requirement, "enumerate somethig that has conexions with hippies", over 50% answered with "pace", "flower clothes" and "rebelion".


    At third question, "Do you consider that music and fashion can be a form of protest?" 36 from 50 answerd "yes", 5  "no" and  9 answer "very little".


       From the forth question it results that only 58,5% of students know some iconic personalities from the hippie era. The examples they have gave were : Jimmy Hendrix, John Lennon, The Beatles and Phoenix.     


       Only 51% of pupils know a hippie song. The best known song are : "No woman, no cry", "here comes the sun" and "Imagine".    


       From 50 persons of 12% have answered to the question : " Do you know another way of peacefull protest? Wich one?". They have answered with :" The tea party from Boston" and "The peacefull prostest against the British dominance in the interbelic period in /india"


       "If your rights were violated what would tou do?" 38% said : "strike" 2% " i would wore a specific sign".


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