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Efforts for peace in the world


      In March 1961, President Kennedy to initiate the project known as Peace Corps - a revolutionary idea in providing assistance to foreign countries. The program volunteered to serve in developing countries around the globe. Especially young Americans have felt attracted to the program and worked with talent as medical aprons, godezi, teachers, mechanics. The organization Peace Corps, besides promoting social and economic development at the base, sought to achieve an international climate of understanding, goodwill and peace.

         Period Kennedy administration was mortora signing the treaty banning nuclear tests limited. In August 1961, the very month in which the Berlin Wall was built, the Soviet Union announced it would resume nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, putting an end to voluntary moraoriului on atmospheric testing inurma initial three years of the Soviet Union, Britain and the US. On 1 September, the Soviet Union conducted a series of nuclear explosions in the atmosphere. These tests produced radioctiva substance reaches a high level and caused the whole world fears about the genes of future generations.

      Despite the moratorium violations by the Soviets, President Kennedy still insisting that the Soviet Union in the future to ensure the prohibition of all tests. After the offer was rejected, the United States was forced to announce that they remain nothing to do but to resume their tests in the atmosphere in order to be able to maintain an effective deterrent capability. Meanwhile, the US government continued to make efforts to end the arms race creating an agency for arms control and disarmament and for signing a treaty banning nuclear tests.

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