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       It can be easily noticed that hippie ideology and culture are extremely characteristic and due to that easily noticeable. As a group, they followed certain number of rules even if they claimed to be totally free in all possible areas. Important aspect is where their basic outlooks came from. Their unique combination of hedonism and morality depended on the spin they placed on the ‘generation gap’ that separated them from their elders: in high moral gear, hippies projected every conceivable social and ethical defect of society onto their parents-the generation who, having survived depression and war, clung to middle-class prosperity and values like drowning sailors to a life vest. Simply, the youth generation of that time strongly wanted to gain a disconnection from their parent’s realities by creating their own way of life.

       They had a positive philosophy of loving your neighbor. A sense of optimism and hope prevailed. They embraced ethnic and cultural diversity and tolerance. They spoke out against greedy capitalism, racism and government imperialism. There was a healthy questioning and distrust of the government and corporations. Young people spoke out and went to protest marches against the Vietnam War. Unlike the complacent generations before them, they stood up for what they believed in and were not apathetic. Young people believed that they could change the world for the better.

    Atitudinea şi relaţia cu societatea:  Mişcarea hippie a fost poate cea mai interesantă din cele promovate şi prin muzică, având un mesaj clar anti-materialist, anti-american-way-of-life. Adepţii mişcării hippie s-au revoltat împotriva valorilor clasei sociale de mijloc, pe care au văzut-o dominată de materialism, împotriva războiului din Vietnam, considerat inuman, şi au pledat pentru acceptarea culturilor religioase netradiţionale.Viaţa hippioţilor era cu totul diferită de cea a membrilor respectabili ai societăţii. Regulie lor de viaţă, de comportament, ţinuta vestimentară, erau inedite şi şocante.

      Ei nu impun celorlalți convingerile lor. În schimb ei incearcă să schimbe lumea prin convingerile și trăind așa cum cred ei. 


        Other beliefs that spring from our core philosophy are: an earthy spirituality such as a belief in Gaia (the earth as an organism), the Greens movement (political activism), even shamanism and vegetarianism. These philosophical and political views reflect a respect for nature and the planet as a whole, something lacking in our capitalistic and materialistic societies.

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