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Mesajul mişcării

        The hippie movement message was a simple one. The hippies wanted to be peace also in their souls but also in the wrold and they wanted to put an end to any kind of discrimination.

        Paganism is the belief that nature in itself has the answers to life's most important questions. Paganism is a way of showing respect for the natural paradise we have on earth. Many hippie had found theirs interior peace after they had embraced this old religion. 
 Hippies were often pacifists, and participated in non-violent political demonstrations, such as civil rights marches, the marches on Washington D.C., and anti–Vietnam War demonstrations, including draft-card burnings and the 1968 Democratic National Convention protests. n addition to non-violent political demonstrations, hippie opposition to the Vietnam War included organizing political action groups to oppose the war, refusal to serve in the military and conducting "teach-ins" on college campuses that covered Vietnamese history and the larger political context of the war.

     Fruther more the hippie were against  to discrimination no matter of its nature. For them we are all the same no matter of our race, sex, social class, politicaly or sexuality orientation.

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