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Period Johnson administration


      Vietnam was a problem vinifera. Prior to concluding his term, President Johnson had committed more than half a million troops in the conflict in Southeast Asia. Only in May 1968 after Johnson, seeing faces opposition within his own party about the issue of war, had decided not to run for the presidency, the United States and North Vietnam agreed to proceed with talks Preliminary peace in Paris.

       The cost of war, coupled with record spending keyboard also domestic policy programs with a substantial increase in average household income; exerted strong inflationary pressures on the economy of the country, the worst after the Second World War.

        For most of the population, were the Johnson administration during a period of prosperity although there is a serious concern about the worsening balance of payments dificitului, and as a result, decrease the gold reserves of the US But deficit is partly due to increased American investments abroad, US spending abroad, the importing by more bunuru and higher incomes. Despite these economic problems, the country experienced an economic growth between 1961 and 1969-the largest in fact in American history.

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