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        Pacifism covers a spectrum of views, including the belief that international disputes can and should be peacefully resolved, calls for the abolition of the institutions of the military and war, opposition to any organization of society through governmental force, rejection of the use of physical violence to obtain political, economic or social goals, the obliteration of force, and opposition to violence under any circumstance, even defence of self and others.

    The internationally known symbol for peace  was originally designed in 1958 for the British nuclear disarmament movement by Gerald Holtom.

     The hippies worn all the time the peace sign because they were totally against the war and because they wanted a peacfull worldwithout any kind of discrimination.

    The peace sign could have been observed on their clothes or accessories, but it was also used as decoration in their homes or in their cars.


     The peace hand symbol, with two fingers in a V shape and the palm extended forward, is almost synonymous with counterculture, even modern counterculture.

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