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International tension


      In Southeast Asia, stepping cues gherirelor nouse threaten governments in Laos and South Vietnam. Fourteen countries including the United States, were gathered in Geneva in May 1961 to seek a settlement of the conflict in Laos. Nocieri After 13 months, during which time the ceasefire went into effect, they fell to suggest agree Laotian princes who ruled rival factions to unite in order to create a neutral, unified and independent.

      In South Vietnam but fighting continued, local guerrillas uniting with the north Vietnamese infiltrates a rapier campaign, assassinate and other terrorist actions against catatenilor loyal South Vietnamese government supported by amricani. At the request of Saigon guvernuli, President Kennedy sent US military personnel to help train South Vietnamese troops. United Villages have also encouraged South Vietnamese leaders to inieze social reforms, political and education to secure a broader popular support to resist the Vietnamese that it supported the nationalist-communist leader Ho Chi Minh.

       Meanwhile, in June 1961, Premier Khrushchev provoked a new crisis about the status of West Berlin when he threatened to sign a separate peace treaty with East Germany, which, he said, will end the existing agreements between the petru Access guarantor powers Americans, British and French in West Berlin. The three powers have replied that no treaty can not unilaterally abrogate their responsibilities and rights in West Berlin, including unhindered access dreptulde in town.

         East Germans worried about the crisis, fleeing to West Berlin in increasing numbers. Only in June were about 30,000 refugees. Unexpectedly. On August 13, the Soviets built a wall between sectors eastern and western parts of Berlin, isolating residents icu fort waters of East Germany. In front of the allied decision to not give up the right of access to West Berlin, the Soviet government allowed the deadline to pass at the end of the year without having to try to sign a peace treaty with East Germany.

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