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                As Skip Stone said in his book " Hippies from a to z" after the hippie movement we, the human race, manage to make some important changes for example:  

              Culturally we swept away the social mores of the previous generations. We experimented with alternative lifestyles, using our own inner guideposts of Love, Peace and Understanding to light the way. Anything that conflicted with these dearly held beliefs was rejected. 

              We liberated both sex and love from conventional stereotypes and found their deeper meaning, as the way to connect with the universal energy. We focused everyone's attention on the environment, showing how centuries of human abuse had taken their toll. We redefined the meaning of peace on an individual and collective basis. How peace within and peace without are tied together. We discovered that what's in your heart influences the state of affairs around you. 

              We learned activism and organized and demonstrated against the Vietnam War, and the inequities and hypocrisies of our system. We stood up to abuse, whether verbal, physical or emotional to get our points across. Many of us put our futures in jeopardy to prevent others from having to go to war. 

              We highlighted the abuses of government, corporate greed and problems inherent in the system, which led to many regulations now in effect to protect individual and environmental rights. We started the health craze by examining our lifestyles and our unhealthy consumption patterns. We pioneered healthy alternatives and living with nature rather than destroying it. 




There are still some teenagers who listen the good music from the ' 60 and '70



In the world are some places wich still keep the atmosphere from the hippie period



The young people still want cars like this



Chiar și în zilele noastre sunt tineri care se diferentează prin îmbrăcăminte adoptând un stil hippie.



În aceași locație în care s-a petrecut primul festival Woodstock an de an până în zilele noastre timp de trei zilele se adună hippioții să trăiască în pace toți împreună ascultând marile trupe.



Tot datorită generație hippie multe persoane se apropie tot mai mult de natură.

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